Thursday, February 16, 2012

Herb Garden for Great Skin

Whether you have a pot full of fresh herbs or a whole yard full of green plants that are beneficial to your well being, you might want to expand your plantings with a garden that is good for your complexion, and where you can make your own bath and beauty products.
If you don't have the time, space or don't want to plant your own garden, you can buy these fresh herbs at your local farmer's market.
Here is a list of Garden plants for Complexion:
When you get ready to plant your garden, just keep in mind that all these plants do better in a sunny location.
1. Calendula- This plant is an annual flower, with bright blooms and fresh or dried, the pedals can be added to creams, lotions, and baths. It is also a soothing antiseptic and great skin conditioner.
2. Cucumber-It has been used for beauty aid for centuries. The juice can be added to creams and lotions. The juice is also a soothing cure for sunburns, and insect bites. To make juice, process in a blender and strain off solids. Cucumbers are climbers, so keep that in mind when planting.
3. Lavender- Lavender is a aromatic perennial, that can be dried and enjoyed year round. It has strong antiseptic properties and is good for blemished or troubled skin. Add to a bottle of witch hazel for a simple, effective cleansing toner.
4. Luffa- These easy to grow vegetable bushes are in the same family as the cucumber. They love to climb and thrive in hot weather. The skeleton of the luffa is what is used to scrub your skin. Harvest when the skin has turned brown, then soak in a bucket of water to soften. Peel and allow inner skeleton to dry. If you choose not to plant the luffa, it can be purchased.
5. Mint- Known for its energizing scent. It comes in a number of varieties from peppermint to exotic chocolate mint. You can also chew mint stem for your breath or settle an upset stomach.
6. Parsley- It is a rich in vitamins and minerals and antiseptic chlorophyll. It is a well known natural deodorizer and breath freshener and is also beneficial to your hair and skin. Used as a rinse, it leaves your hair soft and clean. It is very soothing to dry skin and can be added to facial masks and lotions. It can be used for small cuts and insect bites.
7. Sage-Like mint, sage comes in a variety of scents, from cinnamon to pineapple. Clary sage is the most common cosmetic variety. Its leaves appear in many facial steams and astringents, that deep clean your pores. You can also try making a hair rinse with fresh sage leaves: with regular use, it will help darken gray hair. To whiten teeth, rub them with a fresh leaf or brush with a powder of dried sage leaves.
These are some plants that are good for your complexion. In my next post, I will give some recipes on how to use them, so don't forget to come back to view them!
Herb Companion was my resource for this article.

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