Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dairy Goats Continued

Pygmies are ideal for those with limited space or limited milk needs. On an average, Pygmies give about 1/3 as much as a larger doe. Although their milk is rather high in butterfat content, much of the cream separates out within a day and can be skimmed off easily. Pygmies can be many colors, but shades of grey, especially salt-and-pepper, called agouti, are most common. Pygmies are blocky, deep, and wide in contrast to the lean, angular look of other dairy breeds. In California, they are popular housepets. Size- Doe- 16-22.4" weight-55lbs. Buck-16-23.6" weight- 80lbs.

As of this writing, an Australian Saanen holds the world record for goat milk production, with 7714 lbs. in 365 days to her credit. Saanens are all white, or sometimes a light cream. A Saanen of any color-usually black and sometimes with white markings-is called a Sable.Size-Doe-30" weight-135lbs.- min. Buck-32" weight-170lbs.- min.


Toggenburgs are the smallest of the Swiss breeds. They are solid shades of brown, ranging from fawn to dark chocolate, with crisp white markings on the face and legs. Toggenburg milk averages lowest in butterfat. Size- Doe26" weight-120lbs.-min. Buck-28"- weight-150lbs.- min.

Nigerian Dwarf is another breed of dairy goat. They are simular in size to the Pygmy goat. They can come in a variety of colors. The bucks are also used to breed to a Nubian, which produces the Mini Nubian. The does are good milk producers.

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