Monday, February 13, 2012


Since tomorrow is Valentines day and alot of women will receive a box of chocolate. I wanted to tell you some facts about chocolate, that you might not know.
Did you know that chocolate is really good for your skin? Scientist have discovered that chocolate contains more antioxidants per cup than red wine or green tea, and certain compounds in chocolate even help smooth the skin and decrease its sensitivity to the sun.
Chocolate has a high content of cocoa butter, which is a natural skin softener and conditioner. It is also an antioxidant, which means it prevents free radical damage to your skin and protects its natural elasticity. Select products or recipes with chocolate, cocoa, and cocoa butter as the main ingredient.Dark chocolate seems more effective than milk chocolate.. Chocolate is considered dark if it contains at least 35 percent cocoa.
In skin care, chocolate, cocoa and cocoa butter are all excellent moisturizers. Chocolate also contains caffeine, which can stimulate your circulation and give your skin a healthy glow, when used in a massage cream or body scrub. The scent of chocolate releases serotonin, which is the same hormone that we experience when falling in love and for many promotes happy feelings and reduces stress.
So next time you have a craving for something sweet, enjoy a bit of chocolate, with the bonus of better skin and a better mood.
Here are a couple of cocoa-based recipes to create at home.

Mocha Facial Mask
Makes 4 ozs., enough for 1 application.
Facial masks are a great way to deep cleanse your skin so that it will work more efficiently. Plus, clean skin holds more moisture and looks brighter. The milk and espresso contain natural food acids that help rid your skin of surface debris and dead skin cells, while the chocolate or cocoa powder helps condition and soothes your complexion. Use once a week to wake up a dull complexion.

4 tablespoons finely ground espresso or coffee
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
8 tablespoons whole milk

1. Mix together all ingredients until you have a smooth paste
2. Spread over a clean face and neck, avoiding the eye and mouth area
3. Let sit for 15 minutes and rinse well with warm water.

Chocolate Massage Butter
Makes 4 ozs.
This rich moisturizer is great for extra dry skin or classic rough skin spots, such as feet, knees, and elbows. Also, this recipe can be used as the ultimate massage balm. Warm up a small amount between your palms and treat a loved one to a decadent and relaxing massage for chocolate lovers.

1/4 cup grated cocoa butter
1 tablespoon grated dark chocolate
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon grated beeswax

1. Place all ingredients in a microwave safe container or on stove top in a double boiler. Melt gently, stirring often.
2. Pour the hot liquid into a clean container. For small individual bars, pour into an ice tray and let cool completely.
3. Massage into clean skin

I hope you try these recipes. I know I will!
I got my information from The Herb Companion.

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